
Fisher House had a funeral yesterday at 12 so no 8  a.m. Mass and Fr Chase says there will be  a summer break. Dominicans Oxford have singing at Mass and it's on you tube. Magic Flute 2006 from the Met. We have seen this production with a different cast. It's a delight but three times it has stopped buffering. Very useful video conference with physiotherapist who is sending me exercises to do each day. Excellent talk on plastic in the Thames. Organ recital from All Saints Orpington. Meditation but no concentration today. Lovely Met recital by Renée Fleming. 30 garden circuits in shoes. Right knee not so keen. Nice zoom with Lourdes folk. Prom is Sibelius Kullervo. It was a great concert. Watching BBC Rise and fall of the Murdoch dynasty. That man is evil married 4 times engineered Brexit and Trump and denying climate change. 


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