Family together

 Blackfriars, St Martin's morning prayer with singing. St John's. Faith action on migrants. Nothing has been said about the homeless during lockdown. A fascinating talk by Rabbi Debbie Sion Centre zoom on ritual washing, cleansing and Covid. Women and liturgy series 1 excellent. Southwell Minster organ and Jonathan Scott at RNCM. Louise and the boys arrived and Dennis, Ann Marie and Henry. First time round our new table and we got everybody in. Ciaran sitting with the grownups and chatted about schools. Louise showed me how to upload video and share it. Sean appeared with my paintings from the "toy room"! I gave Ciaran the 10 Shakespeare plays book as they had been to the Globe. Could not lock back door!! 

Slept badly but I was not woken by the burglar alarm when the garden guys opened the back door. I asked man working across road from Meridian windows and he said door had dropped- nothing wrong with lock. Blackfriars and St Martin's. Bible study on Beatitudes. Esme restrained John Parkes a bit! Still awaiting advice about Sunday but it looks as though amateur music groups cannot meet during lockdown.  Then came an email from Jerry saying we can go ahead according to the diocese! Laudato Si group watched the first film and discussed it. There was a muddle up about joining the zoom. Faith action zoom Hindu seemed confused about lockdown. I dropped out as I was exhausted. Watched The apprentice the best bits. Grayson Perry in US very insightful. Incredibly Liz paid the guy £10 for taking some trim off the door but did not check that it locked! 


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