Remembrance Sunday

Royal College of music strings playing Caroline Shaw, George Walker and Arensky. Young concert artists final very impressive. A delightful online bar mitzvah from LJS.yal College of music strings playing Caroline Shaw, George Walker and Arensky. Young concert artists final very impressive. A delightful online bar mitzvah from LJS.he morning service on Radio 4 today (driving to church) was lovely and all the traditional hymns too. Our second livestream went really well and the sound was so much better! Nimrod, Elegy of Thalben-Ball, Solemn melody Walford Davies, Pie Jesu Faure and God be in my head Walford Davies. I stayed for the private prayer and wreath laying. On the way home listened to the service from the Cenotaph. I was particularly struck by the interview with the widow who has started a charity for grieving children of soldiers, Scotty's little soldiers. The livestream came over very well. Songs of Praise from Brecon. David Grealy played Alain and Durufle superbly even coping with the music sheet falling on his left arm! LJS barmitzvah beautifully done. Canal journeys. Nelson on painting yellow and Cenotaph service. Simon Reeve in Cornwall.RoRoyal College of music strings playing Caroline Shaw, George Walker and Arensky. Young concert artists final very impressive. A delightful online bar mitzvah from LJS.yal College of music strings playing Caroline Shaw, George Walker and Arensky. Young concert artists final very impressive. A delightful online bar mitzvah from LJS.


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