
 Lovely walk with Richard at Chiswick House. Beautiful retreat on Vermeer at Belmont with Mass and Vespers. What a treat! Sr Wendy We should not look at at the Light but live in the light. Poulenc Dialogues of the Carmelites from the Met. Loaded more videos. Family calendars came. Strictly. two more episodes of The Crown. Radio 3 tribute to Stephen Cleobury. 

Sunday Christ the King so played Crown Imperial. 3 in choir and sang Tony Hemson's Alpha and Omega and Cleobury's arrangement of Let all mortal flesh. At practice afterwards started to discuss carol service and Jerry blocked all suggestions - church needs to be cleaned, Alan would need to be involved (he was available) the final straw was Friday is my day off. So I just said "That's it, no carol service". Several people thanked me for the music so I guess they picked up I as not happy. Home to David Grealy playing Langlais. Young chorister semi-final for 5 girls on SoP. Awful vibrato from one of them. Alice from Norwich sang the Ireland so touchingly - she should have gone through instead of the music group singer from Northern Ireland who is a mezzo not a treble chorister! Carl was a judge. Watched 2 more episodes of The Crown and programme from the Frick on Bronzino. Beethoven from LMP last of the classical club subscription. Liz was very tired again on reaching St John's. She is taking iron tablets for anaemia. 


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