Advent 2

I dropped off before lunch!  To St John's for a lovely evensong and Benediction Howells Coll Reg, Shephard Never weather beaten sail, Stainer How beautiful upon the mountains. Not so keen on the organ at the Benediction! Paul Carr playing at Worsley. Dan out of Strictly. Copied carols.

Monday SM, S and B. To M and S Bromley for Liz to change bras. I had croissant and cappuccino. Colette's meeting and Fr Dominic told us about Brentwood's amazing initiative which only cost £8000. Rang Honda - fuses go because we should not be plugging dash cam or tire pump into cigarette lighter!! Got big tree and front garden tree down. Lights on the big tree. A good way to do it was layer by layer. Vespers from Belmont. Balham Catenians. An excellent meeting with Dr Kathryn Mannix and Greg Wise who even addressed me as one of only 3 men present! I commented on Catenians in the chat and how we speak to children. Only connect and University challenge. Christmas University challenge.

Tuesday swam 20 and did exercises in the water. SM, S and B. Ciarán is 12! He loved his presents! Decorating the tree. Liz insisted on finding the items for the small tree so opened all 8 boxes. Essex folk interesting chat. Liz to gym for induction. Simon Reeve on the lakes. Immaculate conception from Belmont Vespers. Delicious lasagne for dinner and watermelon. Organists association recital at Dulwich exc playing. Met Herman Jordaan from Pretoria - he knows Peter Deelen's son. He does not know Ronnie Jones. We did not go back to Norman's house. Wrote an article on grief and dying. Victoria liked it and revealed what she has been going through.

Wed. SM, S and B. Woke early. Lovely Belmont Abbey retreat on the Visitation. Ian Knowles showed us how he designs an icon of the Annunciation. Sisters of Sion American priest on Isaiah. He wants us to change O come Emmanuel to remove captive Israel!! Front garden tree and lights. Lovely Francis chaplet with Jane. Durham cathedral singing Stanford and Hymn to the virgin Britten. Evelyn Underhill discussion on prayer and talk. Robyn Wrigley-Carr wrote an Advent book.

Thursday SM and S. Argos for lights and got Christmas Radio Times £5.25!!To art and good work! Martin's prayers led beautifully by Rita. Talk on Giotto. Decorated hall and porch. An excellent end of year LSi animators UK meeting with Rome, Poland, Hungary, Zambia and Kenya!!! Had to rescue Liz from Clare's as the door locked behind her. Prof Summerley on nostalgia and carols. Prayer led by Jesuit in Canada. Masterchef.

Friday swam 20 SM, S and B. Decorated hall. Final changes to band parts. Churches trust talk. Enjoyed carols and organ music from Piers Maxim. Mick. Dropped off. Southwark group. CAFOD Human rights day in Spanish while I was cooking dinner. Great to hear Peter Stevens play Bach and Franck and then he and Marko were on the Friends zoom.


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