Thursday woke at 5. SM, S and B. To art and did some good work. Only 2 more sessions before Christmas. To Clare's to get her phone which she left behind! Cleared up food waste mess caused by the fox. Watched the Pope in Cyprus live. Secrets of the forest x 3. Missed the Sion centre talk. MultiFaith Channukkah from LJS was good as usual. Liam Draycott on Pope Gregory and St Edmund. Wrote to Xavier. Sam got in touch at last so did carol service music list. Composed Christmas letter. 

Friday swam 20. Zoom with Ian, Marian and Gareth about meeting Steve Reed MP again. SM, S and B. Redid Christmas letter. Deleted loads of emails! Christmas cards. Masterchef. To Sainsburys Crystal Palace pharmacy for Liz. 

Saturday Nazareth walk St James park, S and B. To St John's for a lovely concert by Dawid Kasprzak from Lodz. 16 year old violinist studying at Wells cathedral school. Loved the Franck sonata - bittersweet and such joy. If he plays like that at 16, who knows what he will be like at 30! Michael sat with me. Told Lionel how much we enjoyed Advent carols and Ed's voice. Fr John had my emails and said the refugees at Queen's hotel will be helped. Steve Reed coming to St John's carols. To Halfords to get a fuse (4th time) but they will not change it. West Wickham did it as a favour it seems. I rang Honda and they will ring back on Monday. Delivered local cards. Adelia's cookert demo on zoom. Wrote to Steve Reed MP. Advent carols from St John Cambridge and Hampton Court evensong. Belmont vespers. Truro and Selqyn college evensongs. Laudato Si self assessment done. Tablets to read. Did some letters. Strictly.

Advent 2 up early to Shell garage £1 to do tires. Broadcat from Girton college. Posted all the cards. Today's music Wachet auf Walther, Prelude on Conditor alme Alec Rowley, Nardone setting, Come now O prince of peace from South Korea, Advent Prelude Martin How. Carol practice. Took hammer and got poster on outside board. It was cold and wet! Sorry I haven't a clue on radio. Young chorister of the year. Very surprised by the runner-up. I liked the boy from Edinburgh much more! 


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