Boxing Day

 Chat to Ann and Paul. Delicious breakfast. A lovely day with Ann Marie, Henry and Dennis. Watched programme on the Nutcracker, Strictly Christmas special and Christmas with the Kennah-Mason family.

St John's day at Upper Norwood. Eyre setting and a first outing for the Gloria. How fragrant the lilies. Fr Steffan from St Peter Streatham preached and we had a lovely chat at lunch. Bairstow Toccata from the sonata. I showed Frances the Madonna painting which is linked to today's anthem. The dates fit.

Caught up on some TV, Midnight from Birmingham music was not very festive. Good homily from Archbishop Bernard Longley. Duchess of Cambridge played piano Westminster Abbey carols. I do not think verse 2 of Adeste Fideles should eb choir only!. Christmas University challenge and bake off. A very British scandal about the Argylls very well done. 


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