Easter 3

 No mention of Easter on radio 4 programme from Belfast! I played Bach variations on Christ lag in todesbanden and Thalben Ball and Ridout on This joyful Eastertide which we sang. Nice trio in verse 2. Good start on Thomas's Platinum jubilee anthem. To pets service at St John's took Sir Henry and there were cats and dogs. We sang The heavens are telling (Ruth a lovely soprano voice) Lionel's anthem and Ridout Let us with a gladsome mind. Also Think of a world without any flowers. BBC young dancer, New artists musicians, Prisoner 33 about Oscar Wilde in prison. Very moving. 

Monday Bank holiday. Took Liz go station to get trains and taxi to Aylesford for servers mass and she got a lift home. Volunteered at the Migrants Mass at WC. Very colourful. The Hounslow group were good but the backing was far too loud. The quartet from the Ukranian Catholic cathedral sang 3 beautiful anthems and the Ukranian chaplain thanked us all. Great to see old friends Dominic Robinson Carolyn Morrison William Rhind Sr Elizabeth. We'll done Colette Joyce who did not do what she was supposed to do! Contacted Julie about interfaith walk on June 3rd. Wrote to Nicholas Hughes. Two episodes of Care for the planet series.

Tuesday Swam 20. Sm Catherine and Matt's baby is Jennifer Joy. New Bishop of Croydon is Archdeacon Marlene Rosemarie Mallett. To art club at UNACC very friendly group. Liz came down for lunch which was very good £16 for both of us. We walked round the lake and I was impressed at the improvements done by the Friends. Recorded bird song and saw the Egyptian goslings. To quiet time first time back for me at St John's. B. Belmont vespers. Root and Branch DIY session.

Wed English martyrs SM, S and B. Excellent Sion centre session with Michael Trainor on Acts. Beko's chair yoga - a first for me and enjoyed it. Posting about Caterham and interfaith group events. Evensong from St John's Cambridge. Henry arrived after dinner and we went to bed with several stories. I went down to watch Sewing Bee and fell asleep!

Thursday a lovely sunny day.SM. We set off for Godstone Farm and had a lovely day. Henry enjoyed the animals and held a rabbit. Loved the sand and the indoor play areas. We had lunch and then to the dinosaur trail and the shop where he chose a grab and a whirligig. We went for icecreams and I think the dinosaur bag was left there containing my phone. Could not find either when we got home and Henry had a bath! Hopefully it will be found. Find my phone says it is there! Sewing Bee and V and A. Gresham Prof Andrew Chadwick on deception.

Friday swam 20 it was a bit busy! B SM and S. Liz to see s.d. I took her down and phoned Honda. The parts have arrived and it will cost £114 to fix it on the 17th. Tried the repair company and about the same! To UNACC and a nice chat to Dot and an excellent seated exercise class for an hour £5. Walked beside the lake and saw little Canada goslings udner their mother. Very sunny and warm. Enjoyed doing a talk on zoom about the animators for Catholic concern for animals. Nathan Laube playing Bach he has a rather flashy technique lifting his hands off the keys but his pedalling is immaculate and he plays from memory. Gresham in averting the incense Apocalypse. Prof Kingori on What can we learn from fakes?

Saturday SM from Tiberias. S and B. To St John's delightful humourous playing from Jay Bevan clarinet and Stephen Dickinson piano. Poulenc, Milhaud, Saint-Saens, Messager. To Shirley and David Dibbs gave me a lift in the jeep to Tonbridge school. I have played the Marcussen before. I played Harris Processional. Stephen Davies played Bach. Got back too late to go to Mass as there was a match. Belmont. It was a pleasant afternoon. The final of BBC Young dancer was won by the Asian. Robert did get an award. Devon and Cornwall which looked like a repeat in parts. Art that made us on the 18th century put a huge emphasis on slavery.


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