Good Shepherd Sunday

 Lovely day no more jerseys? I could not find my copy of Meditation on Brother James's Air by Harold Darke which I rehearsed 2 weeks ago so I played In green pastures by Darke and prelude on "Bread of heaven" by Andrew Moore. We sang Brother James's Air and I played Easter hymn from "Cavalliera Rusticana" by Mascagni. My hearing aids seen to be affected by wax so I might have to get my ears syringed. Loved BBC4 programme from St John's Cambridge about George Herbert. B and Leeds cathedral Mass. New to me "The happy birds Te Deum sing 'Ti's Mary's month of May". It is sung to the Lincolnshire poacher. It's not great poetry! Last hymn at Upper Norwood today! To Qou Vadis at St John's excellent piano duets Imma Seltadi and Nigel Clayton. It was difficult to hear Diana Krasovska - she needed a mike as she was moving about the building. We were invited to walk around and look at the pictures while having tea and cakes. Debussy, Faure, Poulenc, Bernstein, Dvorak. Schubert and Rachmaninoff also the typewriter! Very well done! Lachlan Goudie on the early story of Scottish art. Prof Patricia Kingori What can we learn from fakes?

Monday swam 20 not too busy. Big hold up lights at bottom of Grange Road so came back the back way. Liz to gym. Southern dioceses network zoom John Paul on biodiversity - he did not say much really. Mary Colwell on the new GCSE in Natural history! Watched Badminton horse trials. Interesting zoom with Genevieve. Zoom about Palestine. Gresham Prof Trotta on the future of life on earth. Adrian Chiles walking in Scarborough. Best takeaways pointless to compare places from all over the country?


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