Friday fun

 Enjoyed the exercises at UNACC. Could not get into Catenian AGM no zoom link! Minutes of yesterday's meeting and wrote to Bishop John. Folia concert from Hampton - the encore was the highlight! Gresham Prof Bourke on sexual abstinence. Synod reports from dioceses do not mention green issues at all. Some dioceses have not yet produced reports.

Saturday Richard in St James park. B. Catenian conference online from Eastbourne. Remembering Bob Cooper, Mike McCarthy and Brendan O'Connell in Oz who died this year. Helen main speaker - a woman! She co-ordinates university chaplains. Her stats are interesting more women, more BAME, more mature students. To St Andrew Ham Common. A frustrating drive as Liz could not navigate with her phone! I got rather cross! Memorial for Pat Stephens with recordings, songs and speeches most of which I could nto hear as the mike was only used at the end!! Nice to see Stephen, Steve and Caroline Sewry, Judy, David, Chris and David, Betsy, Ray Carter 0 some of these have not seen for years!! Chat to Chris about my talk and archives. Long drive home through Richmond Park (could not get to Isabella plantation) and via Chiswick and Hammersmith!! To Mass at St Andrew Thornton Heath. I did not have a mask and they had none. Hard to follow the deacon and priest. The deacon claimed that the gospel truth has to be watered down! FA Cup final and Eurovision with sound off. John Dear on Jesus and non-violence SLN. Unsurprisngly Ukraine won and UK second!  Some of the outfits and too much flashing light. 

Sunday Easter 5. Radio 4 service from Newcastle cathedral. Catherine Dawkins celebrated and she tells me she goes around filling in and awaits email in October! I played Pachelbel Nun lasst, Michael Fleming on Noel Nouvelet, Walther and Will an on Vulpius. Reeds are out of tune. We sang A brighter dawn in breaking. Went to coffee and junior church and some we have not seen for months were back. It seems so silly that some RCs are expected to wear masks but Anglicans not!! Songs of Praise from Great Ormond Street. I did not know Mary Seacole was Catholic. Art that made us reached the industrial revolution. Death cafe just 4 of us. Ben Bloor played superbly at Dulwich! Bach, Buxtehude, Mendelssohn. He is so unassuming.

Platinum jubilee horse show at Windsor.


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