3rd Sunday of Ordinary time

The choir at Coulsdon sang well today - Nicholson in G (I sang in the tenor in the short unaccompanied sections) and L.J.White Prayer of St Richard of Chichester. I have known this anthem since I was a boy. In the second verse the descant follows the tune just like in the prayer - the pilgrim follows Christ! It is simple and beautiful. I played Walther on "Jesu meine freude" and Pachelbel "Von himmel hoch" as we are still celebrating Epiphany with the crib under the altar.
I practised the Hummel from the D minor Mass for Kevin Munro's funeral on Tuesday. Home for lunch (microwaved dinner like Grandma has) and skype to Liz in Dublin. At vespers I was crucifer and the choir superb in Lassus and Palestrina. To M and S for cappucino and cappucino cake - very indulgent! Organ recital was Matthew and Oliver in duet. Amazing Mozart 40th symphony Allegro and Wesley duet sparkling playing. Thomas played for 5.30 Mass and I was cantor. Skipped opening item - no sign of the music. Gloria was better this time although I started don wrong note for Sanctus. Both Thomas and Martin Baker asked me to sing again! Saw Paul Chubb and Mark. Drove home listening to "The choir" about Lithuanian and Latvian choral music.
Skyped to Ann, Liz and Dennis's mobile!


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