Christian Unity prayer
At Coulsdon we sang Oldroyd Mass of the quiet hour and Harris "Holy is the true light" at David Steer's request. In the congregation was the original treble soloist for the Mass and I am trying to persuade him tow rite about the experience. The choir gave David a framed photo and there was sherry after service. We sang "Thy hand O God has guided" and Thiman's voluntary on Harwood's "Thornbury". Met with Vickie to choose music for February. Home for lunch and then to Vespers at the cathedral where the Dean of St Paul's preached and the choir sang Palestrina. Tom Winpenny from St Paul's played Bach and Reger in his recital. I was cantor at the 5.30 mass and all went well except for the plainchant Gloria which I didn't know. Martin Baker improvised amazingly as always. Watched some of Antiques roadshow and Lark rise to Candleford. Malcolm Hubble will deputise in June and November and I did the February music list. Songs of Praise features the organ!