Third Sunday of Lent

Thanks to "Chapel of the Resurrection" for the lovely picture of a white-tailed deer!
Saturday was the last day of the booksale. We did a bag of books for £1 and most of the non-fiction went. Alvaro came with his daughter and got books for Goa. I cleared up ready for a week off in Istanbul! To Mass where Liz was acting as sacristan so only Philip and I. No incense. Thomas sang a lovely antiphon at communion. Slept after dinner (mackerel) and spoke to Dennis who is in Wurzburg. Watched end of "A boy called Alex" and checked diary for Globe dates and St Ethelburga's events. At Coulsdon we had a baptism with a church family. We sang Psalm 95 unaccompanied and Wood setting. Palestrina's "Sicut cervus" went really well. The tenor as a marvellous line "Ita desiderat" which expressed such longing for living water - I love this piece. The hymns were "As the deer" "Rock of ages" "I heard the voice" and "Guide me O thou great redeemer" - great choices and fitting the gospel of the Samaritan woman which was done as a dialogue - very effective. This must be one of my favourite passages in the Gospel. I played some Buxtehude. Very nice card from Kevin Munro's family re the funeral. I spoke to Tracy about her wedding in July - Saturday after Dennis's.


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