Wednesday is busy again!

Spoke to Ann on Skype - they enjoyed Dresden. To Coulsdon and arrived early so we chose music up to halfway through April. Got train in good time to be at Understanding Islam course by 1 p.m. Chris on good form and told us about prayer. The Regents Park mosque visit is set for the 27th at 12 noon. I shall be away so will go to the Croydon visit on March 1st. 11 people came to the first of the Lent groups "Who is my neighbour?" from 4 to 5 p.m. A lively discussion and it is sad to learn of our society where people refuse to be greeted even though they see one at church or at home. To first part of Mass (Fr Michael O'Boy gave an excellent homily on winning the lottery) and then to chorus for Dvorak. Mark Griffiths seems to talk too much and he goes on to 9.15 every week. Liz and I got train to pick up the car.Interesting to find that one of the Islam course folk is a religious from Beckenham who have seen at Catenian clergy suppers!


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