Beethoven Symphonies

The windows are completed and look great! Liz started painting porch. Very nice interfaith lunch with lemon tart and Ivor gave us plum jam. 15 there. To Balham library and Sabina filled me in on the news. Daniel is there now and Chris went to Putney. I found the Bridge score in the basement and picked up other reserved scores. Good to see them all again and they all said I looked so relaxed! To prom - I was watching British painters so missed train and only arrived at 6.45 so went in general entrance for gallery out of lift and to a seat. Lady next to me sings with Tony Potter at Southwark cathedral. Beethoven symphonies 1 and 7 conducted by Thierry Fischer. New flute concertos by Marc-Andre Dalbavie and Elliott Carter who is 101! First like Debussy but second one too many percussion crashes! Home by 10.20. Found a February Tablet in Bruce's room where I slept as no curtains up.


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