
Lou and Bruce arrived last night and I got Ciarán off to bed after watching lots of Thomas. The prom was excellent - Elder conducting Halle. Lou took Ciarán to friends and I set up the new HDD recorder and the DVD player and we now have TV sound through your radio stereo speakers! At 2 p.m. we all went to Croydon crematorium for the burial of Grandma's ashes and lovely to see Fr Denis Paul again. Claire and Josie came and we all went to Dennis's for tea and cake iced by Liz. Ciarán on great form. Bruce took Lou and Ciarán home. We ahve enjoyed having him! Liz went to pub near school and I went to the Prom. BBC Philharmonic with new Spanish conductor - Ravel, Debussy, Falla. I found Ronde de Printemps score hard to follow and checked on recording when got home. Sat next to a nice Japanese lady and a man who works in Oxford. Met organist from St Andrew Catford.


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