
Tuesday woke early but fell asleep again so no swim. Beavers put in the carpets at Glyn Close and rang for help to unload the van so John and Darren went up there. It looks great. To 3.30 mass for retiring deputy director of education in Westminster. Should have been Archbishop Stack but he couldn't come so Archbishop Vincent instead and he was as nice as ever. We were mitre and crozier. Chatted to Richard Nesbit about Alexander's homily on Sunday and Abbot Christopher Jamieson - he said Worth Abbey had been refurbished. The music was dire including horrid Eucharistic acclamations and the head teachers did not sing much. To tea and cake in Acton and Ciarán on great form - he loves Thomas the tank engine and loved the little books Dennis sent. Liz bought him a new bath duck. Tom cooked a delicious meal and we enjoyed 2 bottles of good red wine. Watched Perfume.
Wednesday to music and Ciarán was much livelier and involved and he sat on the bus quite happily. I went to spirituality day which was Antonia Benet on patience. Bought lunch at M & S. To National portrait gallery to see BP portrait of the year award and impressed by the standard. At chorus gave Liz's letter to Stefan and he said it was good she was having lessons. He was very demanding and had the sopranos sing top F sharp 20 times at the end of the evening. Conductor Ben Zander said how thrilled he was to be back with the Philharmonia. Watched The Apprentice.


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