
Woke at 9.45 after a restless night in Bruce's room. Seemed to be obsessed about changing trains - perhaps because I looked up travel to Acton on Tuesday late! To Homebase to get more Cornish cream weathercoat paint -consternation on return that it was green pot rather than blue but turned out to be new stock and the same waterproof paint. Did front and Liz did ladder and scaffolding stuff. Too hot to do back wall. Listened to Horrible histories prom full of screaming kids and puerile 8 year old humour but some nice music including Rite of Spring! To Mass - too late for vespers. Cooked fajitas. Fr Michael Durand plus 5 Spanish priests! I was thurifer again and all went well. Nick was present. Chatted to 2 ladies one who is blind and we never get chance to chat to them. Got copy of annual meeting financial statement. To prom and in time to hear a lot of Strauss Don Juan despite idiot on door 6 who directed us to door 2 should ahve gone straight to door 11! Walton violin concerto with score - Midori was not forceful enough - balances all wrong. Alexander Nevsky well sung by CNSO chorus and excellent soloist from Russia. Nilsons conducting CBSO and Strauss Seven veils splendid. Chatted to SOuth Africnas who moved up to give us seats which was kind. Home in an hour. Zara Phillips married in Edinburgh.


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