All Souls Day

Swam 22. With some trepidation I emailed about the All Saints day mass pointing out that we should sing the psalm of the day, a gospel acclamation which is an Alleluia and an Agnus Dei not "Behold the Lamb of God". Joey responded favourably and said others had asked about getting Laudate full music copies. The college has no Calamus licence and photocopies abound! Liz went shopping and I did reading for essay 1. Served at vespers for All Souls Day in the All Souls chapel and for Mass with Bishop Alan Hopes. The men sang Anerio requiem. Watching Michael Wood on India but fell asleep! The All Saints day mass was the 1 p.m. one at Heythrop and I sang in the schola. Fr Dominic celebrated. We sang For all the saints but omitted 3 verses. The psalm was a Taize setting of Daniel 3 and verse 5 became the Gospel acclamation! The Schubert mass setting all the tenors found they did not have page 2 of the photocopies so we made it up. Mumbled our way through the Creed as well! Did reading and an interesting lecture but tired out.


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