Old friends!

Li to college early so she could buy trim for Seán's baptismal white tabard/garment. Did some reading about Hinduism and Christianity. To Balham library and then coffee and crossant with Catriona. Lent her our Russian samovar and had a lovely chat. Home for lunch and watched a bit of Island Parish from Sark. To Croydon Minster for Martin How's Advent cantata. My name was not on the list and ended up among basses but carried on regardless. Lovely to see Jean and Alan Barber, Roy Nicholson and various faces from the past! A moving and effective work especially the well-known hymns and anthems. Very good tenor soloist and narrator but the real hero was the organist. The handbells and children's choirs were lovely. Left at 6 in rain and got to Victoria by 6.30. Harrow school Byron consort sang Rheinberger at Mass. Splendid Bach at the end. Met Peter at Il Posto and had a delightful chat and meal.


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