Brian McLaren

To St Paul's cathedral to hear American Brian McLaren on a new kind of Christianity. He contrasted the 6 part salvation history we all know with seeing Jesus from his predecessors in a 3 fold liberation, reconciliation and transformation pattern. He spoke about intellectual empathy in the Common Word discussions. He thought the Vatican had never replied to a Common Word. See the world through the other's eyes. He was more interesting when answering questions He said Muslims preferred to talk to Evangelicals who condemn them to hell  rather than liberals who never challenged them. The world is full of dirty energy and he commented on climate change. There must be something better than just War. Preemptive peacemaking is needed. Righteousness should be translated as restorative justice. Pointed to the story of Cornelius as an example of the need to change our prejudices. Jesus should be seen as a gift tot eh world. Love one another his central message. Salvation needs to be linked to liberation. Churches need to 1. train people how to love their neighbour 2. Fairtrade and challenging using consumer power e,g, what is in mobile phones. 3. serve all and receive treasures from others. My question was not asked but I think he covered it.
Simon got me a good email reply from Claire about her chairing of Timothy Radcliffe who was unwell and it was a hard task.


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