Eye trouble

My left eye became increasingly sore during the day. Liz went off to college. To St Laurence Catford for recital by Hannah Parry-Ridout. Purcell, De Grigny and Bach Wedge very well played. Had coffee with Christopher Town and Michael Toplis recovering from seocnd carpal tunnel operation. On train and tram to Croydon only to find the NHS walk-in full up so came home and completed coursework. Watched Prom of Yeomen of the Guard. To Vespers and Mass Fr Paolo immediately noticed my eye! After mass went to walk in but it closed at 8 so to Mayday A & E. Eventually came outside and rang for an appointment upstairs with Croydoc and saw dcctor who sad it was a bad infection so antibiotics, ointment and drops! Watched part of Royal British legion festival of remembrance form the Albert Hall. It has again been updated. BBC Director general resigned which is sad. Bishop Welby of Durham is to go to Canterbury.


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