Celebrations and farewell

Li went off to Heythrop. I prepared the Christmas cards and got Christmas stuff (just 2 boxes) out of the shed. To Heythrop for 1.30 for end of term party and sad farewell to Rosa who has been made redundant from the Pastoral mission programme which is definitely a blow. Chatted to Fr Dominic about SyroMalabar church. Did some work in the library on Clooney. Tea at Marks and vespers and Mass with Fr John. Abe managed to put candle 1 on the wreath out so had to go and relight taper at the credence table. Canon Christopher spoke again about the diocesan fundraising scheme. To RCIA meal at Chinese restaurant in Gerrard Street. Unfortunately the noise level made it very difficult to hear. I was next to a charming Chinese lady who works in fashion. Had a discussion with Julie about opening out the sessions and it confirmed yet again that nothing at the cathedral will change until we get away from priest-led sessions. The priests say the focus must be on the candidates - true but why not use some of the talks to evangelise others? It got very hot in the restaurant. The food was good. Home on tube and train. Wacthed part of Westminster Abbey series 1 and Island Pariah on Sark.


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