Rowan Williams

Swam 22. At court for 10 and after some deliberations defendant found guilty on both counts and sentenced for 4 and half years for drug possession. Once again the loop was not on and I had to use my hearing aids instead. The defendant's mother was there when we got out of the jurors lift but didn't say much. Glad it's all over but feel I have done my duty to society.
Met Liz at Norwood Junction and parked the car ready for late home coming. Had tea at cathedral and Liz served at Vespers of Immaculate conception. Rowan Willams gave a fine address. I sat with Sylvia behind Mrs Williams. Robert Parsons Ave Maria beautifully sung. The sad but was the congregation only got to sing Lord's prayer and Alma. Why no fine hymn like "Ye who know the Lord is gracious" or "For Mary mother of our Lord"? Bach at the end. Shook the great man's hand and he signed my book for me thanks to Liz. Ate at nice cafe in Covent Garden where there is a splendid Christmas tree. £10 student tickets in stalls circle for L'elisir d'amore which was a delight - lovely singing and production. Was supposed to go to synagogue seder meal but cried off.


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