India part 2

Dec 22 Posted blog on internet and checked emails. Sent a complaint email about Delhi guide. Had a very nice Rajasthani meal at our hotel the Golden Tulip. A buffet with delicious sweets.

Dec 23. Downstairs for 7.30 and found St Xavier’s church next to big school with balloon for Christmas! Jesuits. Turned out mass was at 8.30 a.m. so ended up having coffee with 3 of the priests. The school principal older and wiser and he made some interesting observations. In India people may be poor but they are not alone whereas in the west they are lonely and nobody has time to talk to you. The Mass was in English with 2 priests and a music group which used their own hymnal compiled by young people. This seem to contain most of the worst 70s American hymns and we had nothing to do with Advent or Mary! All the proper texts were incorrect even the Lord’s prayer and after a while everything seemed to sound the same. The Swedish mass for the Kyrie. Noted one item by Kavin Mathew (Kevin Mayhew?). It was rather like Singapore. The congregation is 180 families from Kerala and the school has 3500 boys from middle-caste Hindu families and is private. A modern church. O come all ye faithful at communion which is intincture or in the hand or on the tongue. Kiss of peace is the hands together greeting. At the creed some said Apostles some said Nicene and miraculously finished together! All used the new texts. All quite fascinating and Pope Benedict would hate it! Back for breakfast and had delicious rice dhoti with vegetables. To large modern Hindu temple with stained glass and sculptures – rather soulless – a bit grand and like Neasden temple. Lots of visitors. Then to the Central museum where we got audio guides – an amazing collection especially fine miniature paintings and pottery. In one room a mummy and Minton tiles and Wedgewood china! Pigeons seem to have invaded the place but it’s worth a visit. The Albert Hall was built for the visit of the Prince of Wales who laid the foundation stone. Came back to the hotel for a rest and 20 lengths of the pool which was at its best – not too cold. Hilarious film with Rowan Atkinson on TV “Johnny English reborn” – laughed and laughed!  Another excellent dinner at the hotel of Rajasthani food with delicious sweets and very helpful staff.

Dec 24 Christmas Eve. The local rep came to check all was well and we set off at 8.30 a.m. for a 7 hour drive to Udaipur. The hotel manager appreciated my comments and asked me about the internet PIN problem so I explained that the front desk staff should have said “Please come to the desk” rather than “the PIN is on its way”! I would certainly recommend the Golden Tulip hotel at Jaipur – everything seemed to have been considered to make the stay comfortable. The scenery kept changing some areas well laid out and cultivated, others arid. Plenty of traffic and animals wandering on the road. We stopped for coffee and we had bits and pieces to eat in the car. The last bit of winding road down a long valley with many slow moving trucks was pretty scary as the driver zoomed in between vehicles but he certainly knew what he was doing. We arrived at 4 p.m. at the Trident hotel which is gorgeous. Our room has a lake view and the pool is the most pleasant so far. The local rep arrived and said we were offered a free meal on the 25th because of the problems in Delhi! I got to him to ring again about the church services! After a swim and rest we went to the Christmas Eve gala dinner at 8.30 p.m. on the lawns near the pool. We were seated with Hugh Bourne from Switzerland and his partner. The choice of food was amazing including turkey and small Christmas puddings, stollen, and grilled chicken. Delicious French onion soup. We had a heater just near us and we could watch Father Christmas dancing with the children with a good singer. We had non-alcoholic cocktails and left at 10.30 to go to Midnight Mass at Our Lady of Fatima cathedral, Udaipur. This was in Hindi apart from the second reading and parts of the Bishop’s sermon. He is now retired and we met him afterwards briefly. Communion is by intincture on the tongue. There were firecrackers and extraordinary decorations everywhere! At the end the people line up to kiss the baby and give an offering.  We got a seat at the back but it was quite cold with the door open  and many people outside – loudspeakers carrying the singers voices. Much of the music had a strong dance feel but there was no sign of anyone swaying! Backing of keyboard and drums. We left at 1 a.m.

Christmas Day Woke at 8 having been awake a couple of times. Nice breakfast overlooking the pool and to 10.30 a.m. Mass at the cathedral this time in English with keyboard and singers on mikes. Much of the music was very slow. Alas no Hark the herald but we did get We three kings! Away in a manger was to an American country type tune! The psalm was the First Nowell. The creed and other sections was the old text whereas the priest used the new text! Coffee and cake afterwards and met an American who lives in Udaipur and a couple from Spain. It was a joyful occasion and the homily was good – about a rich man whose only son was killed in action and the friend brought a painting of the son. When the man died at the auction the painter bought the picture for 10 dollars and as a result was given all the valuable items as well. If you have the Son you have everything!


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