Last day

I led morning prayer in the conference room with Liz alternating psalms using the Ipad. We had a discussion with Fr Charles about transgender and the link to human trafficking. CSI's work -mostly men to women who are rejected by parents and society and become prostitutes. To HRCF ladies fellowship at Holy Redeemer and they asked us to sing for us and chose the song -Long time ago! Bought some Christmas decorations and we had a nice lunch. Prem took us by car to buy good sweets -  6 boxes. To Nazararth and bus got a puncture so we never got to the boys hostel and the church to be built. Singing, dancing, speeches, coconut milk (don't like it much). This is a new church with lots of electronic equipment and very friendly people. Back for last supper at 8.45. We were up at 5 and the car was there at 5.30 and at airport far too early 6.30. Liz again had issues with security who were just messing about! 9.40 flight to Dubai sitting in a two. Slept a bit. Changed to 7 hour flight to Heathrow. 2 parents and 3 children in seats in front of us. Luckily the lady next to me was also from Pakistan and could tell the mother in Punjabi to feed them on takeoff and put on cartoons - they seemed to have made very few provisions for the flight! I watched The Good Lie and What did we do on our holiday? starring Billy Connolly - both excellent. Also slept a bit. The food and service were good. Car was waiting for us and drove home safely. Had been on the go from 5 am to midnight Indian time. Was it worth going? Yes and No. I found the pollution in Chennai very bad and ended up with a cough. I certainly won't go there again. Kerala was nice but not comfortable. The two days out of Chennai were enjoyable and we really did not see the Chennai attractions.


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