Ursula King

A quiet morning at home - played piano for a bit. Got to Bloomsbury Baptist for 1 only to find Philip Norman doing an illustrated talk on British organ building of the last 1000 years - didn't learn much. The organ students were down to play later. I got to London interfaith centre at Queens Park in good time and met a Catholic, Alan Rainer and Fr David Standley. Dr King spoke on ecology and faith and was excellent. Could have led to a really good discussion but I grabbed a tea and got to vespers. Liz went to Charlie Merritt's retirement mass at Northfields. Eugene was thurifer and he and the boys were a bit dopey. Visiting priest went up to the altar at the offertory so I had to politely ask him stand to one side so the censing could happen! Arthur Wills piece at the end from Ben. Simon Augustus cried off our pub drink so home to learn Seán had gone to hospital with Louise and Dennis so she missed her girls night out. Ciaran went to Ann Marie's and they are all now in bed. Seán had some glue on his foreheard which he hit on the lounge marble hearth. Andrea Chenier on radio. The snow all gone.


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