New year

Jan 1 we got to St George's cathedral around 10 for the 11.30 watchnight service. There was a warmup by the young people of choruses with the congregation sitting mute. The large choir and organ led Merbecke version and traditional hymns with doorknockers and set high! Strange interludes between verses - all rather Victorian with tremolo at times. They sang an Elvey anthem! The sermon by the bishop was dreadful. We did not go to the 7 a.m. service and as a result were abandoned for the day and missed shopping. Spent the day sketching and reading. At 6 p.m. we went for a picnic on the beach which was busy. Some went for a paddle and Ken for a swim. Ivor tried to get on a horse. Peter and Ken rode. Met Prem's brother again.


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