St Paul's cathedral

Swam 18 as I was late because of frost on the car. Wrote an articel about recent events called Bewildered? Guiding at the cathedral with Maureen who told me some interesting things. Lady on about wooden statue of Mary turned out to be a Padre Pio and anti-abortion fan and loves Our Lady of Guadelupe. Had a few questions. To St Paul's for vespers sung by Westminster cathedral choir. Guess what the servers with Paul M, Paul T, Jess, Rebecca, Jack and a blonde stranger. Saw Martin Ball and Anne Welch. Buxtehude Magnificat and Victoria O quam gloriousum. Home for dinner and beer. Watched War horse prom and Still open all hours. Luis has resigned as Provincial President elect and all offices in his 2 circles so I have offered to be PP at some stage. 


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