John East

The funeral of John Michael East at St Etheldreda's was beautiful with 3 male cantors singing the Latin requiem plainchant. Fr Tom sang the Mass in Latin. 29 present including many old and new friends. Enjoyable reception in the crypt. There were 3 Old Johannians present and 3 directors of music at St Etheldreda's. The Society of St Gregory, Latin Mass society and Monastic musicians were also well represented. We both went to the Royal Academy. Phyllida Barlow did not impress and as usual the Summer exhibition was a hotch potch! Liked the elephants and one or two paintings and prints. The architecture section was very interesting. Mali Morris RA had a small colourful display of works on paper. Ate at Itsu. Liz took robes back to the cathedral, went to servers council and dropped her Freedom pass. I went to an excellent lecture on the architecture of British mosques and I met 2 Muslim ladies one of whom asked a question about involving youth in planning mosques. Cambridge mosque looks very impressive. I asked about the large windows in the prayer hall at Morden and the Blue mosque has them too. My understanding is that prayer halls should be plain with no distractions so no looking outward. But surely Muslims need to reach out to the local community?


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