Philip Moore

Mosaic and good progress. Southwark cathedral and a pleasure to meet Philip Moore. His Fanfare a maris was composed for Portsmouth cathedral and very effective it is too! We will all miss Peter Wright. Good to see Stephen Disley. I found the icons. The one in the Harvard Chapel is lovely not so keen on Paul Chateney's work.To see Ros. She was a bit dismissive I felt. Had tea at Costa Farringdon. Had to buy a new umbrella as mine broke and it rained all day. John East's body received into St Etheldreda's which looked lovely with tea lights and stained glass. Fr Paul Gilham said the Latin Mass extraordinary rite. Chris from the cathedral was there and a member of the LMS. Roger served and we met Fr Tom. It seems the church records were burnt by a predecessor! Liz forgot the sheets and reading for Patricia and then left car keys with cottas in sacristy. I was not pleased. 


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