Tuesday Blackfriars, SMITF, delightful zoom LMP with Simon Weir about mikes and recording and cellist Sebastian, King's Lynn minster organ. Covid tests delivered and collected because of Brazilian strain locally. The fourth trug assembled while listening to Charles Francis playing at Emmanuel church Wyde Green. He's good! Quiet time. Bargue drawing but I got tired standing so much. Bidding room. Drawers off. Antigone NT at home fantastic. Meghan and Harry interview with Oprah - they are telling it like it is and it's a huge loss for us. 

Wednesday Liz to Guys her paraproteins are down from 77 to 4 and the weight loss is water from her legs. Belmont retreat on listening to each other was excellent and included Samaritans. Rails fitted next to back door and in bathroom. Did washing and changed the bed. Meditatio, Spidir supervision group zoom. Cleared downstairs toilet. Bidding room. Drawers off. Bread for the world and Lent group. Southwark retreat weeks 3 and 4. Sheila Hancock on watercolours in Europe and India.


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