Hogarth at the Tate on St Valentine's Day

Wednesday morning and a visit to Tate Britain to see the new exhibition. I am a member of the Tate. The audioguide was very well done but at 11.30 a.m. there were far too many people there. A queue for the cloakroom, a queue to get the audioguide (prebooked), a queue to see the smaller pictures - it became very wearisome and tiring. A fine exhibition but many of the pictures need to be seen close up and if everything is on timed entry why not control numbers better? I wrote as much in the comments book I was offered when I returned my audioguide.
I returned home to complete the March music list in time for the March parish maagazine. It being Valentine's Day we exchanged lovely cards and I gave Liz a box of chocs which she is not supposed to eat being a weight watcher! We had an excellent dinner at home with Marks and Spencer cava with pink fruit flavouring. By the time we had drunk the whole bottle I soon dropped off! Still the joys of married life after 33 years are companionship and happy conversation! The photo shows left to right Paul, my sister Ann, me and Liz on our visit to Sydney in 2005. The other photo of Liz and I was taken in the lovely garden at Gordon where Mum spent the last week of her life.


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