Mum and Dad

Here are Mum and Dad on their 40th wedding anniversary. Herbert (Bert) and Olive were married for 65 years and they were not to be parted for long. Mum died within a week of Dad. Liz, Bruce and I travelled to Sydney for Dad's funeral and we saw Mum 3 times. The double funeral was very beautiful and Dad had chosen the music so carefully. The photos show the two lying side by side in Christ Church St Laurence and at the crematorium with Father John Spooner who knew them both so well.
I miss them so much. Even though we lived 1000s of miles apart, we were so very close through letters, emails and phone calls. Dad would comment on the recordings I sent him and he was so encouraging. It would be great to find someone to do something similar. Another photo is of the family together at Ann and Paul's after the funeral drinking champagne.
The interment of ashes and requiem Mass at St John's Upper Norwood were very beautiful with a magnificent choir of friends. Lots of Bairstow and Francis Jackson just as Dad wanted and a display all about them both. It was so good to see old friends there! The vicar Beverley Mason said in her address that no-one could doubt where Mum and Dad are now after such good Christian lives. She linked it to the Nunc Dimittis "Lord now lettest thy servant depart in peace" and this is such a comfort.
They love me more than ever now. The children did so well at these services - reading and singing. We are so proud of them.


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