CAFOD live simply

Here is a magnificent icon painted to mark World Aids Day. At the CAFOD Live simply service today in the cathedral, we heard a lot about HIV/AIDS in Africa. The Angolan London prayer group danced the Light of Christ down the nave. I had to light a taper from the candle and pass the light to the bishops. Guess what? The light went out and I had to relight the taper. Keep calm! Bishop John Hine, Bishop MacMahon of Brentwood and Bishop Kieran of Arundel joined the Cardinal. Actually the cathedral was only half full. The music group were great mostly from Stroud Green and we had Bernadette Farrell's Advent litany and God has chosen me. A nice version of St Theresa's prayer by Michael Talbot (not as good as David Ogden's) and we went out to "We are marching in the light of God" with everyone holding candles.
I helped Liz clear up as she was looking after the sacristy. Paul Clubb was thurifer at Mass and we had 3 boys to help. Mgr Mark gave a great sermon about meeting Jesus everywhere - he is just back from the Holy Land. The Challoner choir were holding a little party after Mass so had stollen and my first mince pie!
In the morning I watched the Channel 4 programme about the Queen's marriage and The Tudors on HDD. Rang Ann but she didn't come onto Skype which was a pity.


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