Christmas Eve

To Lakeside home to sing carols at the simple communion service conducted by Bev. It is so hot in there and many of the elderly have dementia but it was appreciated. Sally gave me a lift home. Liz was baking rolls and mince pies - very delicious. Why does one eat so much at Christmas?
I recorded King's carols as I had to play for crib services at 4 and 5 p.m. (an hour earlier than last year). What I heard in the car was excellent. There was lots of kids at the services. I played some French noels. On return home King's were on TV finishing with the stunning Tavener God is with us. I recorded from TV the Midnight Mass from Westminster Cathedral and this was stunning. Liz was serving at First Vespers, 6 p.m. mass and Midnight. I had a sleep. Bruce went to St John's. Coulsdon Midnight went really well. The Haydn Mass is just right - full of joy. Carols round the tree and we ended with "Ding dong" which we had not rehearsed. Stille nacht at the back. O holy night at communion with Karen on excellent form. A powerful sermon from Teresa on how we should recognise Christ in the flesh of others including those with Aids and prostitutes. She was wearing a lovely stole with gold embroidery - it is reversible for Advent! I played the Buxtehude Toccata in F at the end. Listened to the cathedral on radio 4 on way home.
5 journeys to Coulsdon in 3 days!