Dec 7th

Well my peculiar sleep patterns are catching up on me. Waking at 1 a.m. and blogging for an hour can mean not waking at 6 a.m. to go swimming and this happened today. Still I had time as I was due at Clapham Junction for 9 a.m. and senior development meeting. Liz dropped me at the station as she went to get the ladders for the painting. I was on the train but it was not announced or I didn't hear it as I was reading my Advent devotional material. To my horror I end up at Streatham station so i take a train headed for Wimbledon. Alas I should have changed at Mitcham Junction or stayed on it to Wimbledon as I just missed the train to Victoria when we reached Sutton. I texted Jane to say I would be late and I was there 30 minutes late. The meeting was 4 and half hours and we did not discuss the most important item "Safeguarding children". I wonder why managers do not affirm staff more - thanks and good comments are easily forgotten if there are negative vibes about. We did hear about volunteering successes and Asian and Black events.
I popped into the South London interfaith forum where Ivor was explaining the latest Muslim invitation to Christians. It seems Rome has not responded to the response over the Regensburg speech by the Pope a year ago and are waiting to respond to this initiative as well. The Trinity is a mystery which must puzzle Muslims.
Liz was at the hospital so left the car at home. I was in the house by 5.45 thanks to a late train and catching a bus immediately! New microwave still not working correctly. Rehearsed nearly all the carols tonight and going well. Arranged an extra practice as 2 sopranos were missing.


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