
36 lengths. To Catenian meeting at Beckenham and Mike Cox was installed as president. There were 7 of us from Norwood present including Kevin our new president. Bill Whitmarsh told of the typhoon in China and how it messed up their flights. Enjoyed 1 and half pints of Harveys bitter from the barrel.
Tuesday woke at 3 a.m., 5.30 a.m. and then 6.30 a.m so too late to swim! That's what beer does to you! I was amused to realise when I reached our corner that I had one brown shoe and one black shoe on. The perils of dressing in the dark so as not to wake a wife! Did a lot of work as it was relatively quiet. Have prepared the periodicals accounts for the year. Although there has been publicity about joining the library for National Year of reading we have had only one person doing so! To St John's Upper Norwood expecting a spirituality evening only to find vicar had gone out for dinner and nothing happening. Liz picked me up in the old car which went in for service - it is 10 years old! Watched Channel 4 programmes on bodies (breast cancer) and modern factory farming. Making progress on the Istanbul book at last.
Commented on the MacMillan on Evening Standard site and Society of St Gregory forum. My comments on sung masses and changes in Oz have brought quite a few replies! Liz has taken my organ shoes to the dance shop and they are ordering a new pair for me.


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