Robert Munns is 75

Up early and completed Oxford trip booklet draft. The service at Coulsdon went smoothly. Vickie was ill so Theresa stepped in. There were 2 baptisms and the second baby really yelled! The Richard Jones Mass for Hilary has an awkward ending and this did not quite come off in tune. He is now Jo Richards. Vaughan Williams Come my way and Bach's "Christians shout with joy" both went well. I played voluntaries on "St Fulbert" by Douglas Guest and Philip Moore. I attended the AGM and annual meeting. The music costs about £3800 a year which is a bargain! I asked about the insurance on the organ and this will be checked. There are 106 on the electoral roll.
Spent the afternoon tidying up, hoovering and cleaning the kitchen floor. Watched a programme about a man who wants to bring wild mammals back to the Scottish highlands.
To St Augustine's Grove Park for the 75th birthday recital by Robert Munns. He plays well. He included pieces by Leighton, Vaughan Williams and Ireland. Sally Johnson sang Mozart, Messiaen, Hovhaness and Phillips. Particularly attractive were Andrew Fletcher's Reflection and Howells Paean. It was good to chat to them both and meet some of the audience of 20. He offered to do a concert at Coulsdon and we still have £387 for a concert there collected by Mr Mulcaster!


The bringing back of wild mammals to the Highlands; beavers in particular, is controversial and has brought a lot of criticism from Scottish Natural Heritage, land owners of the big estates, and the National Trust for Scotland. It's to do with the indulgents upsetting the balance of the wild. Wolves are already part of the scene and have not upset the balance - well, yet anyway!

The meal with the choir sounded lovely - as well as their singing. We had Pergolosi's Stabat Mater + other sacred music last night in church, but as a performance, so no Evensong. The visiting organist was John Gorman from Gilbert Church ( C of S ) in Glasgow, and he was leading the Concord Singers, a made-up Presbyterian Choir from local C of S churches. Had a chat with him about the shortage of organists. He said there are plenty due to the organ course at RSAMD but he agreed that unless they become Organ Scholars at an Episcopal Church they never understand Liturgical music, particularly with Anglican pointings. We usually have one organ scholar at our Cathedral Church of St Mary in Glasgow. Graeme.
just to calrify - the meal was with the library reading group. I agree about organists needing liturgical training. Many of them cannot play hymns and do not want to give the commitment. Accompanying Anglican chant is a real art and Gregorian chant as well.

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