Thoughts on supporting priests

It does seem to me that priests are actually managing volunteers and we could learn a lot from the volunteer bureaux who organise excellent training on this. I know in my job as a librarian how important it is for me to speak to and appreciate the volunteers who help us. Also vital is when someone volunteers I must say "Yes that's great" first and then discuss later what is required by the library. People are so easily put off!
Fr Michael mentioned the move to other places like monasteries for spirituality and we need to bring this into parish life. Suggestions - Christians spend far too much time in meetings so a good idea is to start the meeting with the gospel for the Sunday or the day with a short lectio divina. It's amazing how one's one agenda items fade into unimportance! If a meeting is not advancing the mission of the church why hold it? Send emails or phone! Encourage weeks of guided prayer and half-days of reflection in parishes. Our priests need to nurture the deepening of faith. Get the laity to sort out the plant and most importantly give them responsibility. Parish councils which are just advisory are just talking-shops.
Do things ecumenically which can be done ecumenically e.g. marriage preparation, baptism preparation, Lent groups, pilgrimages. Don't try and do things which others do better e.g. bereavement groups.
Yes we do want more deacons!The church needs them to help fill the gaps!


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