Christopher Herrick

Got to Acton in good time from the Festival Hall despite a mix up at Willesden Junction. Announced on train it was finishing there and it then pulled out to Richmond. Wednesday took Seán to music and announced about marathon. We had a nice lunch at Sainsburys but had problems getting out of the car park but it was solved. To interfaith group and 7 came including Ali from Linked in. Raheed Salam led a lively discussion on radicalisation and identity of Muslim youth and there were connections with confirmation class! We went on to 6 and I then went to Vauxhall and got the train to Hampton Court. Sat next to a nice lady who knew little about organs. Herrick played magnificently and we could watch him on the screen. Derek Bourgeois was present. John Webber, Guilmant, Bach, Handel and Walton and a fun encore. Liz picked me up at West Croydon. Dennis here.


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