Sleep and prayer

Liz served at the rite of election - 700 in Westminster diocese becoming Catholics this year! I went to St Margaret's Westminster for the annual day of prayer ably led by Canon Andrew Bishop of Guildford. Canon Jane Hedges got a clap on becoming Dean of Norwich! The subject was sleep and prayer and it was fascinating. We were reminded of the importance of "hallowed sleep" and the usefulness of Ignatian examen before sleep. "Being prayer than 'I am now going to pray'". A gift to be received rather than a decision to be made. When am I truly myself? Asleep or awake? Or both. The best way to flatter someone is to say "Oh you must be so busy". The danger of a sense of indispensability. The Abbey is not ideal for this. It took 10 minutes to go to the loo, 15 minutes to get a coffee, so many people I never got into the shrine or Henry VII chapel. The garden was not open although it was a lovely day so I ate my picnic in the cloisters and got chatting to a man whose marriage has broken down partly because of an impossible son. At evensong we had Palestrina and Victoria. Psalm 22 was chanted to Wesley and Ouseley chants. Pachelbel Ciacona in F minor. Nice to see 3 people I know at the day and chatted to Sally. To Marks for a toasted sandwich and tea with Liz. No organ voluntaries at the cathedral. Fr John at Mass and Paul Moynihan was there - all went well and we got the train to Beckenham. Only 3 of us at games night against Beckenham circle but I enjoyed dominoes and word games including Lexicon and a game with letters made into crosswords. We were outnumbered and the cup goes to Beckenham but it's all just fun! Louise safely home from Manila.


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