Pull out all the stops

To 2 Temple Place for 10 a.m. for Discoveries - some amazing items from Cambridge museums in an interesting house once owned by Lord Astor. Dodo skeleton, ichthyosaurus, egg collected by Darwin, casts of Greek sculptures, Polar and astronomical items. Bought a shaker and Penguin book for the boys. To talks at Royal Festival hall, Prof Brendan Walker on the 50s and the changes they brought. Struck me that many changes of products came from America but design was influenced here by Scandinavia. Was this because of cost or education? Listened to Wondrous machines in the foyer using the 4 specially made organs. Ed Breen from Morley College spoke on instruments and their influence on organs and showed David Munrow footage. Harrison and Harrison builders spoke about the project and showed plans and photos then Kerry Downes spoke about his father. I spoke to him about how kind Ralph Downes was to Dad and I allowing us both to play and how he attended at the Oratory the Rachmaninov Vespers when he was "doddery". To M and S for tea and Fr Michael Q at Mass first scrutiny. Cardinal Vaughan schola sang Tallis and Byrd well. Saw Peter Stevens. In the course of the day saw Eric Shepherd, Andy Scott and Ann Welch. It was a most stimulating day 


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