Hurtado centre

Took Seán to Acton parish church but no playgroup so went home. There wasn't time to go to music as I had to get to Beckenham to play for funeral. 2 hymns and voluntaries - £60. The deceased lady was treated like a saint. She lived for her grandchildren, would do anything for anyone. But did she go to church and feed the poor? Perhaps one should not be so judgemental but when the pop songs started I escaped and got back to Acton in time for Liz to take Ciaran to swimming. Evensong was from Magdalen Oxford. Yesterday I packed up Alan's surplus music in 3 boxes and sent it to Liverpool. Too Sean to the park in his push bike with no handle.
To Hurtado centre, Wapping and 2 of the Jesuit deacons were there. Ann led a good session on pictures of the Pharisee and tax collector. During the meditation I had a lovely feeling of being accepted like a child just as I had comforted Sean earlier then dropped off! Watched Come dine with me,


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