Foreign policy and servers

Swam 22. To RUSI library for westminster debate on foreign policy and religious freedoms. 5 excellent speakers - the humanist particularly so. Jim Walters and a Catenian from Swanley were there. I asked a question about the rise of UKIP and German developments affecting foreign policy. To  Chrst the King Gordon square for organ recital by Matthew Blaiden of Richmond - Langlais, Reger and Alain. Did some sketching - very ornate and belongs to Catholic Apostolic church whatever that is. No tlalowed to applaud so thanked him. The chapel is the HQ of Forward in Faith. Had a look in Waterstones, picked up brushes from Cassart and posted music to Iain in Hereford. Came home for haircut and change. To Brook Green for servers dinner and I welcomed the guests the principal one being Archbishop Kevin. My speech ons erving and internet was well received. Very nice meal and good to chat to Canon Colin Davies episcopal vicar. Home by 11.30.


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