
Candlemas is one of my favourite feasts. Mass for religious with the Cardinal followed by lunch. Great to chat to John Hemer and met several very interesting nuns. Tents of meeting for Year of the Word a study of the psalms, did a picture and listened to Peter Cowling on his polyptych. To Peter Jones for a new laptop and tea. Fr Rajiv at Mass and Armand did very well first time as thurifer. Returned home laden with bags containing laptop and unsold pictures. Played Bach Mit Fried und Freud, Andrew Moore Light of nations and Dubois Toccata. We sang Nunc Dimittis to Dyce chant.. The lighting of candles twice took ages. The uniformed organisations were there in strength. Linda's dog ill so just Elaine. Peregrine gravely ill in hospital cancer has spread. 


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