Good day

Linda says it my best yet. Van Gogh Starry night. Took 3 sessions to grout. Next time I use bigger pieces! Need to find a good home for it! Jonathan Rennert gave us a most enjoyable programme at St Michael Cornhill. The Franck chorals with 2 Stanley voluntaries. I liked the contrast in styles very much. To Barbican to see photographs Masculinities. Lots of gay and black material. Films by women of men were interesting. Fascinating. Interesting that religion hardly got a mention. To Museum of London new displays about Becket anniversary of his birth. Watched fascinating films of Londoners. Art and Christianity talk On holy ground. Rupert Sheldrake on pilgrimage fascinating. Asked question about rebaptism in the Jordan. Met Charlie who is studying jazz at Guildhall and Anthony Weaver. 


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