Storm Ciara

Ghastly weather but at least the buses were running although I just missed a 407 coming home! I played Peeters and Willan on Song 1 and Gigout Toccata. We sang David Ogden's "Christ has no body now but yours". It seems Andrew Chadney had over a 100 at Munch with music so the potential for an event on National Organ day is there. With dinner we had a Cabernet Sauvignon 2018 from near Cape Town on special offer at Lidl for £2.50! Watched University challenge.First thing on reaching home trousers and socks changed! Watching Great pottery throw down. Keble College Oxford evensong featured Lennox Berkeley and Parry. No way am I driving to Christ Church Dulwich this evening for the organ recital in this weather! At evensong Statham in E minor and Philip Ledger Loving shepherd of thy sheep. Psalm 4 to Bairstow chant. Call the midwife and the Great pottery throw down continue to delight. BBC on Picasso very interesting. Up early Monday searching for my mobile which must have been dropped on Saturday night. 


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