
Picked up Henry at nursery and I was soon surrounded by little boys fascinated by no hair and hearing aids. Henry ate a lot and played ha ppily. He is staying overnight. He took a time to settle. Took Henry to nursery - he slept right through after 3 Caterpillar video stories and 3 stories. He was keen to go on a bear hunt but I said the bear's asleep! Have ordered a new mobile phone. First visit to St Matthew Bayswater a fine Walker organ and Charlie Warren played Widor 5 well. A friendly welcome. To Horniman museum Marilyn Harper played chamber organ. Norman on good form. Nuala was there and Jim Sands. Mass at the drome full choir Rubbra and Palestrina. Catholic creators UK addressed by actor Alex McQueen and author Piers Paul Read. Met Stephen Tsang.


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