
 Embody a Laudato Si’ Christmas this week by eating one more meatless meal than you usually do. Click here for helpful recipes. 

Woke at 3 upset. Cold got sleepy tea and hot water bottle.  John Alexander text was a great help. Richard Peregrine wrote and Julie messaged. All helps. Spoke to Bruce and Liz. Blackfriars, St Martin's. Henry started sweeping garden but leaves too wet, Quack quack, pretending to paint walls, a discussion about not throwing things when he tried to change the subject! He was very chatty and helpful but I felt so tired and a bit headachey. Watched Frick curators on Constable and Turner. James Macmillan on Tallis and Wagner Faith in music. Long chat to Fr John after quiet time. Joy rang. Dennis going to drive to Ireland for final move of stuff. James Macmillan on Tallis and Wagner Radio 4 series Faith in music BBC Sounds. Channel 4 attack on the BBC over the Diana interview, Hilarious laugh out loud Vicar of Dibley,


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